Monday, September 12, 2011

One Month Update

We are fast approaching the one month mark of our time here in Ghana, and much has happened which I haven't shared in my blog. To simplify writing and reading, I'll lay out a few of these events in bullet form.

  • This past weekend, our group made a visit to the vacation area of Cape Coast. Here we toured two slave castles, ate dinner next to crocodiles, and enjoyed lunch at a beach resort. The highlight of the trip would be the delicious chicken we ate on the beach, followed with a nap in one of the available hammocks. The lowlight of the trip would be the unanticipated 5 hour bus ride back to Accra, and fruitless attempts at purchasing Fan Ice along the way.
  • Classes have now started. I am taking African Literature, African Politics, People and Culture of Ghana, African Drumming, African Dance, and the language of twi (pronounced "chwee"). Drumming and politics are my favorite classes, with twi being my least... not many surprises there.
  • Everyday I eat a Ghanaian dish called redred at the local Bush Canteen. Although this is a delicious and inexpensive meal, many students have gotten infections and digestion issues, allegedly, from this particular venue; however, I have made it through the first month scotch free.
  • Although we have been in our hostel for a month, I am still without a room mate... I will admit that writing this makes me nervous that I just jinxed myself, and will arrive at my room later tonight with a new Ghanaian waiting.
  • I have been trying to stay up to date with the news (AKA the GOP presidential nomination) by watching youtube clips and reading online whenever possible.
  • I have recently begun my work at Safe Water, the NGO which I was assigned to for this semester. My work will focus on construction, distribution and funding of the filtration system.