I decided on a cliché and nebulous title like "A Published Mind" because I wasn't set on any single theme apart from a sharing of my own thoughts. Every post thus far (this included) has really just been a regurgitation of ideas I have been thinking about, without much commonality apart from the source - me. This lack of consistency brings up the question of why am I publishing a blog in the first place? Is it a way to gain notoriety, respect, a following perhaps? Is this an attempt at trying to prove a certain degree of eloquence or intellect to the world...? And if so, who is to judge?
As you read my blog, I assume that many of you are asking yourself these same critiquing questions. I'm afraid I cant do much to put those questions to rest, except assure you that I am wrestling with the same considerations when I make any post. I cannot force you to continue reading my un-cohesive posts, and frankly, my blogging should not be contingent on a devoted following. What I can do, is leave open a space to converse and share about the pertaining topics. I can't promise that all my posts will be well-written or profound (in fact most probably aren't). What I can promise is that my posts are written with a conscious attempt at objectivity, honesty, and care.
I don't want this blog to be a way of imprinting my ideas on other people. I don't want this blog to be an attempt at proving my intellectual worth to the world. I want this blog to be public reflection for the sake of reflection... void of hubris and pride.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you continue to do so :)